
Showing posts from 2021

DONATIONS:: "Jeremy" Shout Outs - Round 10

DONATIONS:: "Jeremy" Shout Outs - Round 9

DONATIONS:: "Jeremy" Shout Outs - Round 8

SHORT FILM:: "Jeremy" Teaser released...

NEWS:: Chloe Mondesir highlighted for "Jacks" at the 2020 Diversity in Cannes Short Film Showcase...

PRESS:: Marcus Hunter of 16 WAPT News, Jackson, MS, interviews Paquita Hughes for "Impact Makers" series...

PRESS:: Paquita Hughes highlighted in "Barrier Breakers" series by The Los Angeles Film School in Hollywood, CA.

SHORT FILM:: You're invited to the screening of "Jacks" in the Diversity in Cannes Short Film Showcase!

SHORT FILM:: 'Jacks' selected as FINALIST for JellyFest Season 5!

PRESS:: Paquita Hughes discusses success in Hollywood with hometown newspaper, The Commercial Dispatch

DONATIONS:: "Jeremy" Shout Outs - Round 7

SHORT FILM::'JACKS' awarded HONORABLE MENTION at 2020 Assurdo Film Festival!

PRESS::[JEREMY] Production team impacts community...WTVA News reports