Me with two fellow US Navy Veterans on the Warner Bros. backlot posing in front of the memorial for Veterans.
Over the past few months I have been approached to do a few interviews chronicling my past as a US Navy Veteran and how that affects my journey at becoming a successful filmmaker here in Hollywood. The first interview was done through my school. I was approached by a producing team in charge of creating a new stream of promotional videos for New York Film Academy that includes telling more intimate stories of some of the current and former students. My video was the pilot and they loved it! You can find that video at this link. I was also featured on the NYFA Blog.
Since filming the the promo video for NYFA, I was also approached by Miss Josie Huang of KPCC radio on NPR to do an interview at the VFT Holiday Party this past Christmas. She continued to interview me when she saw me working on a few productions. When I was first approached by the journalist, I was flattered yet confused as to why I was an interesting subject to speak with. She mentioned that my name was dropped by other Vets she previously interviewed so she had to talk to me to get the scoop. Funny thing is, I wanted to hear the scoop on why my name was dropped too.
After talking for 45 minutes in a dark corner of the Post 43 American Legion, I finally realized that I had an inspiring story to tell. As a Veteran, I'm proud to be a part of something bigger and of how I will always be a part of the brother/sisterhood of the armed forces. If you are interested in hearing/reading the article, click here and enjoy!
P. Hughes
Instagram: @amyra1983
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