KEVIN SMITH::Film School Fridays

I know, it's been many moons since I have blogged. Well I won't promise that I will stay updated, like I have in the past, I will just try my hardest to post accordingly. This aught to prove how fast Hollywood works when you stay on your grind.

Kevin Smith is the writer and director of the cult classic "Clerks" (I refuse to list all of his other hits). I didn't become a fan until he made "Dogma". I'm a huge Jay and Silent Bob fan, so needless to say, I was stoked to meet him. I was invited to sit on a panel of 5 students selected from Los Angeles Film School, to sit and talk film with Kevin Smith, on his podcast "Film School Fridays". 

I pretty much told Kevin my whole life story, after he prompted for me to start the discussion. I was the only female holding it down in my group. To hear me blabber my brains out, follow the link and listen. 




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