BREAKING THE SILENCE:: Official 2014 GI Film Festival Selection

Oh yeah! So, the dramatic short that a few fellow female veterans and I submitted to the 2013 48hr Film Festival is now an official selection for the 2014 GI FILM FESTIVAL in DC this year! I'm so excited for all of us! 

This was such great validation that determined and hard working individuals can make great stories, even with several obstacles in the way. We wrote, produced, shot, composed and edited this short within 48 hours and had a finished film to submit with a few hours to spare in the contest. 

It was great coming together with these women. We literally had a few hours to discuss the story we would tell and how to tell it with all the rules involved. We decided to touch on sexual assault in the military. With a crew of 98% women veterans, we HAD to tell this story. We pulled DRAMA from the hat of genres and felt it was appropriate. 

If you want to watch the trailer, visit the GI Film Festival page and if you would like to come to the screening in Washington, DC, all the screening info is on the same page. 


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