AFFRM:: Vanishing Pearls

New Documentary released by AFFRM

I'd like to introduce you to the first of many posts I will be posting about the African American Film Festival Release Movement, started by Miss Ava DuVernay. She is a prominent black female Director and Writer in Hollywood today. I'm one of her Rebels and an LA Maverick, which means, I volunteer my time and resourced to help get the word out about these great films made by people of color for other people of color. 

I'm really new at it so far and since I've been bogged down with classes, it's been a little hard trying to give 100%, but I'm trying to give 95% for now. In my first attempt to aide in the marketing of this new release, I'd like for everyone who is reading this to click on the links below and share with others:

I'd greatly appreciate the support on this release. I'd love to see it do well in theaters. 

If you are in the ATL or DC area, there are a few events you could attend to also help spread the word and be a part of such an awesome movement:

Facebook event for BIG WORDS in Atlanta

Please do the same DC friends!

Be on the look out for more information on these events through Facebook!

Rock Violet


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