SUGAR: The Web Series

"Sugar" is my first production for 2014. It's a dramedy web series that follows a young woman, Terri, as she is exposed to the world of Sugaring (Sugar Babies). The show explores the rights and wrongs of her experience becoming a successful Sugar Baby and living the life she always dreamed of. 

I started pre producing this project when a friend/colleague of mine, Shauntae Hinkle-Lymas, brought it to me so I can possibly take it to the next level. Well folks, we have done that. I started revising the script with my new co-writer/co-creator and after four long months of workshops, we got a locked script for the pilot, titled "Let Him Eat Cake". 

Casting took place before the Christmas 2013 holiday period. The casting notice was posted on LA Casting, Actors Access and several social media blasts were also posted. Over 300 actors submitted to audition for one of the eight principal roles. Over 200 actually showed up to audition and the halls and lobby in the building auditions were held at. Two long days of auditions and one night of callbacks later, we found our lead, Miss Ashley London. She plays Terri.

Ashley London

We also cast the remaining principal cast and they are talented and excited to be a part of this new show. You can find out more about this production and the progress by visiting:

I've been collaborating with some classmates and other colleagues I've worked with on past productions. Moving forward I'm excited for the show and the journey it will take. This project is also counting as my final thesis project for school. I will be graduating from my final film school, Los Angeles Film School, and I'm ready to launch the hard work we've done so far.

Right about now, we have a few B-roll shots to pick up and then the pilot will be ready to edit. I've created a teaser so far, so go to my website or the Sugar blog to check it out. We will be gearing up for our next IndieGoGo campaign this summer. We need to raise more funds to shoot the remaining four episodes. Like I said, all the info is on the blog page. I won't bore you with all the details in this post because I want you to visit the other links. =)

I know I've been behind posting blogs, so stay patient. School work and side projects have me all tied up. I'm learning from so many mistakes, but these mistakes takes time to clean up. =) Until next time, Stay focused!

Rock Violet


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